Gratitude for my Teachers

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It is traditional in Yoga to honor ones teachers. I’ve included them with their links in case you ever have the blessing to study with them.

With profound gratitude, my work pays this forward by sharing what I have learned with seekers who want to make the most out of their lives.

I pray that my living teachers live long, happy, productive and purposeful lives.

Firstly I take a deep bow to my mother, whose infinite kindness to me is beyond compare. And my husband Ian who teaches me how to love. My son Adrian who teaches me how to open my heart. I thank my friends and family for teaching what it means to stand by each other in the wild swings of life.

I am profoundly grateful to have studied extensively with Buddhist Scholars and Master Teachers Jessica and Stéphane Dreyfus. I have served them by developing their Triveni Yoga 200 Hour Teacher Training Manual and have co-created many events and trainings alongside them.

In addition, I have had the great honor to study and receive mentorship from Elise Lorimer, with whom I am blessed to co-creating the Share Your Heart Project. Kelly Lindsey has taught me to open my heart through Mahayana Buddhist practice and motherhood. Betty Roi is my yoga mom. Carolyn Cooper has helped me find the ground through SE. Duncan Cheung teaches me to walk on the wildside. Joy Yang has been my Dharma sister.

I have been influenced heavily by the Vinyasa style teaching of Amanda Moran and Maralle Fakhereddin.

In addition to having personal relationships with all of these teachers, I am deeply influenced by the written and recorded work of Geshe Michael Roach, Lama Marut, DuoDuo Tian, Ellen Huang-Saltarelli, Tara Brach, Thich Nhat Hahn, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Mary Oliver, and Malidoma Patrice Somé.

Most recently I am studying Somatic Experiencing® with Ariel Giaretto , and have read widely about this work that is pioneered by Peter Levine.

I am grateful to my Landscape Architecture professors who helped me transition from a child to an adult. Hope Hasbrouck who taught me how to discover the spirit of the place. Dr. Allan Shearer who helped me tell the story that every challenge is an opportunity. Jason Sowell who showed me that the details matter. Kira Applehans who taught me how to map the wind. And to the Landscape Architect Jim Stickley who helped restore my faith in the profession.

I have endless appreciation for my ceramics professor John McCuistion who showed me how to make dirt meaningful. The sculptor Mike Johnson who taught me discipline. And the painter Jim Phalen who was really my first mentor who I felt believed in me.


B.A. Studio Arts from the University of Puget Sound

Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Texas at Austin

500 Hour Triveni Yoga Teacher Trainer with over 2000 hours of teaching experience

Certificate Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner

Countless hours of Buddhist and Yogic Studies via the Asian Classics Institute, Triveni Yoga and with Dakini Meditative

Reiki Level 1
