Having taught public Vinyasa since 2015, I’ve created many playlists. Scroll Down to listen.

If you like what you hear and are moved to make an offering, please donate to Al Otro Lado or Spotify’s Covid-19 Music Relief Fund.

If you like what you hear and you want to dance or do yoga with me, LMK!

“Portrait of Me and You with a Few of My Music Teachers” - Shannon Bronson December 2019 *prints available

“Portrait of Me and You with a Few of My Music Teachers” - Shannon Bronson December 2019 *prints available

Music is medicine to spirit, families and communities. It is both deeply personal and harnesses the range universal human experiences.

Our capability to access its power is one of the miracles of being alive in 2020.

With relatively little impact to Mother Earth, technology and the sharing economy have created an unprecedented cornucopia of sound for us to enjoy.

In 2020 I have what the teenage version of me could only dream of, access to an infinite palette of songs. I remember when music was unaffordable for me, where I had a small collection of CD’s that I treasured, and how it felt like there were so many barriers to access all of the artists I loved and wanted to hear. Now, incredibly, I simply search an artists name and I can listen to their entire oeuvre. I’m so grateful.

As I was making the images above, I had a vision of everyone in the world coming home at night from their good days and their bad days, turning up the volume and moving. I saw everyone turning off their T.V. They put down their phone. They danced by themselves. They played and practiced with their friends and families. They connected to others without words. They were happy and free for those moments in time.

I dream that this kind of connection can help solve the problems we are facing as individuals, as a society, and a planet. I’m hopeful through our miracles of modern technology of access and the ancient technology of yoga can help us rediscover our innate wholeness. We can learn to create things that bring authentic joy, without having to hurt anything or take more resources. That is the kind of technology I support.

Self-Portrait listening to headphones in my happy place, Bernal Hill.

Self-Portrait listening to headphones in my happy place, Bernal Hill.


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The First One

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Heavenly Voices

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Crystal Caves

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Human Being

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Late August Light


For When Dancing Seems More Appropriate than Yoga

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Winter Flame

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Luminous Women


The Courage to Love

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Mother’s Love

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Rainbow Children

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May You Be Healthy and Strong

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Soft Winter Light

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True Love

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Fresh Green Leaves

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That Free Feeling

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October Sky

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Alli’s Getting Married!!

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Big Blue Ocean Sparkles



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The Share Your Heart Project: Mudita

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Lady Jam