
At the level of Breath I am a 500 hour certified Triveni Yoga Teacher & Trainer.

I tailor beautiful classes for clients based on their stages of development and grounded in themes they would like to address.

I build my classes from poetic, spiritual, archetypal and artistic themes that are explored through music, movement and mapping of our energy bodies.  Class can also can be more focused on bones and muscles to support the healing of injuries or surgery.   I teach using ethical and healing touch that is informed by my Reiki training as well as extensive research into the science of touch that I apply in teaching adjustments in Yoga Teacher Trainings. If desired, I incorporate consensual, non-sexual touch into sessions.  I also fully honor clients who prefer hands off interaction. I have extensively studied Yoga philosophy and I prefer working with clients who are interested in learning Yoga beyond the postures and with connections to its roots in philosophy.


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At the level of the Body

I am informed by Somatic Practices. 

Through the body, I help clients discover an embodied experience of trauma resolution. In sessions I speak in the body-based language of trauma healing. Based on your history and what comes up in session, I can record you individually tailored yoga sequences to support your physical practice in between sessions.

I am halfway through a 3 year Somatic Experiencing® (SE) certification program which is a body based trauma healing modality. Its founder Dr. Peter Levine’s main premise is that trauma is not in the past or in the event itself. Rather it lives in the present as it is being held in the physiology of our Autonomic Nervous System. Through gentle conversation and body awareness, the modality helps the nervous system discharge frozen energy in the ANS so our bodies can complete our natural and inborn healing responses.


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At the level of the Energy Body

I am a Meditation Teacher. 


When I work with you, I share meditation practices I feel would be resonant with where you are with respect to who you are.

Meditation is a radical journey into the depths of your consciousness to discover how to love yourself and others. Barring illness or times of extreme business and stress, I have studied and practiced it almost every day of my life since 2012. My lineage is Tibetan Buddhism, though I am greatly influenced by all styles. I have also studied cross-spiritual traditions, indigenous healing, Catholicism, secular and somatic meditation techniques.



At the level of the Thoughts

I am a Creativity Activator.

If you desire I incorporate art into our sessions and homework. I can create coursework for you to  feed your creative spirit through journalling, story writing, art making, altar practice, ritual and creative gift giving.

If you are looking to activate your creative side, we can definitely go there! Along with my B.A. in Fine Arts, my Masters in Landscape Architecture and my years of art and space making, I have been a professional window designer for Antrhopologie . Currently I the Author and Artist of the Share Your Heart Project whose main premise is that making art is healing and we all have a right to discover our muse. I often bring the Share Your Heart Project into work with clients to connect them to the incredible healing power of ritual. I have taught many creatives and creativity workshops and seeing people blossom into their gifts brings me the most joy.



At the level of the Community

I am a Facilitator.

I design and lead creative workshops and retreats for students, families, and corporate visioning retreats.

I collaborate with teachers I respect, companies I admire and socially conscious groups to create unforgettable events that open peoples’s hearts

I have worked with companies like Gossamer Gear, Head Start, AgeSong, Wallace Roberts and Todd, and EcoR1 Capital for both daily wellness and more structured retreats. I work with Off Trail On Track to facilitate ultra-light backpacking and yoga immersions. Throughout the pandemic I have collaborated with other teachers to lead regular rituals through the women’s group MuzeDaze.

I bring in my artistic background to create unique events that blend movement and easy to engage art for people to express themselves. I would love to work with you to co-create or host an event with your group and for your purpose.


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At the level of imprints

I design and lead rituals.

Rituals help us move through larger thresholds in life. They can be related to nature, personal transformation or community healing. I work with you to design rituals for your purposes.

Through my work with the Share Your Heart Project I have helped individuals and communities move through births, marriages, deaths, milestones and honoring individuals through lifes’ passages.


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At the layer of the Environment I am a Designer. 

I work with you to make your home & garden into a sacred place that reflects who you are and becomes a resource for you to feel energized and at ease. 

I love art and design. I work at lots of scales from arranging flowers and professional window design for Anthropologie, to designing urban parks, eco-cities to books and illustrating and making this very website. I strive to bring elegance, resilience and meaning to transform their spaces into “places.”  Working with you I provide sacred space education & conceptual site ideas. I work to help you learn how to design and create. Your homework is to practice.


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At the layer of the Work

I help clients balance work & play

with self-care and purpose. 

I work with folx to create boundaries and healthy practices with work to find meaning, purpose and sustainability in what you do.

Before teaching yoga, my history is in the high burn profession of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, which is essentially a consultant lifestyle. Having spent over 7 years in this intensely competitive and demanding professional and educational environment, I understand how personal growth and self-care often feels like it conflicts with work duties. Working with you, we look for realistic embodied solutions for self-care, retreat and self-awareness exercises to find purpose and overcome obstacles and turn to the physical practice of Yoga to ease the demands work places on your body.

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At the level of the Family I am a Mother, Partner, Daughter, Sister and Grandchild. 

In my experience Somatic, Yogic and Mindfulness practices are incredible assets to partnership, family life, raising kids and long-term commitment.  I share tips, techniques and tools with clients to show up for their roles with their whole hearts without burning out. 

I’ve had to do a lot of work to bring healthy boundaries to these relationships, and I work with clients to create healthier and more sustainable connections with their families. 


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At the level of Justice & Equality I am an Anti-Racist Student & Ally.

I can work somatically with clients to unpack and dismantle consciously and unconsciously held beliefs around racism and white supremacy.

I am a white heteronormative presenting Iranian American bisexual woman. I am a person committed to knowing where I have room to grow. While I am a student in this realm, I am dedicated to the work. Sessions can be a safe place where we even have this conversation.

I meet regularly with a Somatic based white ally group where are are planting the seeds of an ally culture. I have been a voice against abuse and oppression in multiple yoga studios, workplace environments and through the justice system. I am learning from teachers Resmaa Menakem, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Malidoma Patrice Somé, and Rev angel Kyodo Williams through reading their voices in their published books.  I donate to BIPOC run organizations like Holistic Resistance, and my work in the Share Your Heart Project aspires to decolonize spiritual practice and raise money for social justice. If this is a topic you would like to explore, my door is open.